About Us

Founded in 1980, MALT celebrates the diversity of Northwest Philadelphia, bringing together neighbors to share a wide variety of ideas, information, and skills in informal learning environments. MALT operates as a community-based non-profit corporation, with a small part-time staff and volunteer board. We are committed to the value of life-long learning, contributing to the welfare of our community, and providing a good deal of fun along the way. We welcome your ideas, your involvement as students and teachers, and your financial support. Learn more about our Founder, the late Barbara Bloom.



MALT offers 200+ courses three times a year: in the fall, winter, and spring. Browse our current course offerings here.

Topics range literally from A (Art for Children) to Z (Zumba). Our classrooms are in local churches, schools, businesses, and homes or outdoors in the Wissahickon and at local points of interest. Course ideas are limited only by our collective imagination. Our teachers are people like you – people who want to share their passions with others and who believe in community-oriented exchange.

Mt. Airy Learning Tree Statement of Purpose

The mission of the Mt. Airy Learning Tree (MALT) is to strengthen and enrich the diverse community of Northwest Philadelphia by providing opportunities for individuals to come together in educational and recreational activities.

MALT was founded in 1980 and celebrates the diversity of Northwest Philadelphia, bringing together neighbors to share a wide variety of ideas, information, and skills in informal learning environments. Courses that encourage exchange among people of different ages, reflect the backgrounds, experiences, and talents of our community, and that focus on issues of concern to the community are of particular interest.


Non-Discrimination Policy

Mt. Airy Learning Tree (MALT) believes our community should be truly open for everyone. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.

View MALT’s Code of Conduct here.

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