Mt. Airy Learning Tree’s Annual Hidden Gardens Tour

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

June 3, 2024

Thank you so much for being a part of Mt. Airy Learning Tree’s Flower Power Weekend and Hidden Gardens Tour. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, more beautiful gardens, or more enthusiastic and supportive volunteers. This year, we sold over 400 tickets to the Tour — WOW. And we had an amazing time at the first-ever Secret Garden Party, toasting the day and celebrating our incredible community.

By hosting the Hidden Gardens Tour, we like to think we are cultivating community through the sharing and cultivating of these special spaces. We hope that the tour inspired you the way it inspired us: appreciating the beauty of our community, our neighbors, and our planet.

If this was your first Tour, we hope it becomes a tradition for you (we feature new gardens every year!). And for those who have been attending the Tour for over 20 years, we salute you. To our terrific docents, board, committee, and gardeners, we couldn’t do this without you. Thank you.

Janet and the MALT Staff and Board


Flower Power Weekend is MALT’s Annual Fundraiser.

We appreciate your support! – If you were not able to attend, consider making a tax-deductible donation to MALT.


Photos from the 2024 Annual Hidden Gardens Tour and Secret Garden Party



Thank You to Our Generous Flower Power Weekend Sponsors!

Sweet Sassafras Sponsor


Flowering Dogwood Sponsors

Temple Health Chestnut Hill
  Calluna Plants and Gifts
Weavers Way Coop


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